Monday, August 30, 2010

Potty Lesson #1

Here's an email I sent Preston today:

So, Preston, you would be I decided to give Will and
Ruby a little potty lesson...Ruby was showing interest in the potty,
so I thought this would be a good time to give it a try. I sat Ruby
on the potty, she tooted! YAY Ruby!!! That's awesome, she's thinking
that there is suppose to be some sort of release while sitting
there...nothing else except for a toot, but sounds like she sort of
has an idea of what goes on.

Will on the other hand...I stand him up on the potty, Addie showed me
what she does with Kyle and it looks like a great pull the
seat up and stand their feet on the rim and he is perfectly aimed in
the bowl...well, that's what I did...Will stands there, sticks his
belly out like he does when he's proud... and spits! Yes, he spits and
thinks he has just done the coolest thing and when I put him down he
struts off to the den! Crazy boy!!!

Just thought you would like to know what they both think about the
potty...for Ruby, you do something, and she has the right idea as to
which end you do something from...Will on the other hand...looks like
a cool place to spit! That's your boy Preston!

Love you!

(Mom and Dianne, I thought you two would like a good laugh!)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jessie's kindergarten stories...

Here are some of the stories that Jessie has shared with me and her daddy her first two weeks of school. They are so funny!

First story is from her first day of school:

I was crying before I had to leave her...her teacher allowed us parents to walk in the classroom and be with our little kindergarten-ers while she read to us a story..."The Kissing Hand." Sweet, sweet story. It definitely brought tears to my eyes. And before we left, our little kids placed a heart sticker in our palms and off we went, leaving them there. It was so sweet. I started to cry, Jessie looked at me and said, "It's ok Mommy, just wipe your tears on your shirt sleeves."

Second story, also from her first day of school:

Later that day when I picked her up, her teacher's assistant told me, "This girl is funny." She told me that Jessie said, "I believe the gingerbread man pooped out here." I thought, lovely, my kid is talking to her teachers about poop. (They were talking about the gingerbread man. They are studying the different nursery rhymes, that's why she is talking about the gingerbread man.)

This is a funny story:

Preston came home and told me this story...Our babysitter, Shannon, saw Jessie while at school, she asked Jessie if she had been to PE yet. Jessie answered her asking, "What does that spell?" Ha ha! That kid is hilarious!!

Another story:

Jessie told me the other day about these two big girls that knew her name, but she didn't know theirs. They both told her that her daddy was funny. So she continued to tell me other stories about some of her friends who she played with. She told me one story about one of her friends, Brynly not wanting to play with her. When they went to the bathroom, this must be when they have girl talk, because she often tells me tells about what goes on in the bathroom, she said Brynly asked what she was doing. She said, "I'm being funny like my daddy." She went on to show me what she was doing, she was putting her hands up by her ears, and sticker her tongue out making a funny noise. That's her idea of being funny. I wonder if that is what she pictures her daddy doing when he's being funny. ha. She is a funny girl! I have a feeling she will be like her daddy.

Uh Oh, she got her card turned: She told me that she got her card changed. I asked what she was doing for this to happen. Her response to me turned in to her recreating the moment. She said, "Mommy, we were kicking our feet under the table like this." She shows me, she is kicking her feet, not touching the floor, back and forth, and the little boy that sits across from her is doing the same thing. "Then Jack" who is that little boy, "kicked me like this." What she showed me was that he just kicked her, nothing hard, just his foot touched her leg. "And it hurt. So, I pinched him like this."

"Ouch!" That was my response back to her as she showed me how she pinched him.

Right then, I realized that this little girl of mine, will be just fine in kindergarten...I didn't need to worry about people picking on my girl and getting away with it! Although, I do believe had it been a girl who did this, her reaction would have been different and probably more forgiving and not so quick to react in this manner. But boys, watch out, Jessie doesn't take junk off of boys!

However, even though I sort of felt a feeling of, "Yeah, that's my girl, way to take care of yourself," I still had to have the think before you react, like, "Maybe Jack didn't mean to kick you that hard. You should ask him if he meant to do that. See what his response is first. And then go talk to the teacher. Don't kick, punch, pinch, or hurt people as a way of responding to their actions." You know, the talk you give them so that they don't turn out beating kids up! :)

And that's it for the year unfolds and it's note worthy, I'll try to write about the events...

Got to get it out...

Today is one of those days that Satan is messing with me. One of those days I can't help but feel like I am not cut out for this...a stay at home mom of three, while Preston works EVERY day, including Saturday. We definitely need the money, but is it worth it? Is it worth my feeling of failure.

What I mean by failure is that I feel as if I may snap at any minute...I'm not like those moms whose kids misbehave and they ask, "Why did you do that? What made you want to misbehave? You need to try better." Before I get to that point, my mouth, or sometimes my hand, has acted before my brain. And I feel awful.

Yesterday I was on give you a little background of what my week has been like...I have been away from the house three times in a course of 5 days, there are days I don't even really go outside because it has been so hot, and to top it off I have PMS!! It's awful! I feel like my insides may explode even when I am just sitting or when I am trying to clean house with no one around bugging me. It's bad. And a guy has no clue...So, anyway, back to yesterday...My poor Jessie always get the blunt of my anger. We were sitting at the dinner table...first of all, the kid doesn't eat...she kept asking, "How many bites do I have to eat." Drives me up the wall. And then Preston and I were talking, she starting tugging on my shoulder and trying to interrupt our conversation. I yelled at her. She immediately started crying. My poor baby. I tried to tell her I was sorry once I realized the anger that had just been released from my mouth. And then she denied trying to interrupt. So I scolded her again and sent her to her room...this time a little more loving...and she listened. Thankfully!

I'm just awful. The poor kid deserves so much better than me as her mom. But how do I get her to listen? I'm pretty sure my anger lashing out at her isn't the way.

This makes me wonder, do I need drugs? I have no idea. Am I the only person in the world who does this...I mean I LOVE my kids with all of my heart. I have learned so much about love having had them. I have even learned of a glimpse of the love that God has for me...yet, He would NEVER lash out at me like that. I am trying to make my drug to help calm me be blogging and spending more time with God, praying for a much more loving be more like Him. Parent as He parents me.

And I need to do as I tell Jessie, breath first, then react. I need to remember to breath before I yell or spank my kids. I need to make sure that their action deserves my response. I need to listen and do as I try to teach Jessie.

But really, am I going to survive all three of my kids? I have no idea. I am glad that God is in control and I can rest assured that He gave me what He wants me to have. He has blessed me so much and has always been so faithful. I need to rely more on Him and a WHOLE LOT LESS on myself. I pray that He will help remind me of that. I am glad He is the author of my life!!! He KNOWS what is best for me. And I need to continue to communicate with Him. I need to remember how much I love my kids and how much I want them to want and need me and apply that to how God feels about me as His daughter that He loves ways more than I believe that I can comprehend.

That's all for now. I have to go get Will and Ruby up. It's time for them to get up this morning! Wish me luck! :) And God, thank you for the life you have given me. You have given me way more than I deserve and I love that you love me knowing that I can never love You the same...that my heart can't even comprehend that kind of love. I am in awe of You. Your blessings are abundant and undeserving by me...and yet you are so faithful!! You have given me a husband who doesn't deserve the way I treat him sometimes. He's an incredible husband and daddy...that will have to be a blog on another day. But You have truly blessed me with that guy...I wouldn't be the person that I am without him (when I'm nice that is! He has nothing to do with my meanness, that's all me...and Satan's help!)