Just kidding...I know who he is. Last night, my facebook lit up with Tebow!! Tebow EVERY where, even on those who don't love Christ...and they are the ones that make me concerned about what Tebow is doing so publicly.
I admire him for what he does at his ballgames...and for some people, this is a huge turn off. I feel like the Christian community is who is benefiting from this and not the non-Christian community. Funny don't you thing?!
I even wonder if Tebow is getting frustrated by all the attention.
Do you know, I saw some non-Christians saying really bad things about Tebow? Makes you think, doesn't it. Makes you think as a Christian, if being SO bold is really worth it...after all, it's not the healthy that need a doctor, it's the sick. And what are we doing to the sick to make them not want to go see a doctor?
Good question.
And don't get me wrong, I think it's awesome that Tebow is not ashamed of his love for Christ...but it makes me sad for those who don't get what he is doing and find it more of at "turn off."
I'm sort of feeling sorry for all of those other football players out there, who just "plain ol' love" their teammates, and that is how they are sharing Christ with others. I'm positive that there are other football players who love Christ...let's commend them, for not getting the advertisement that Tebow is getting. Let's commend them for doing the silent job of serving Christ. I know from experience, that there are people in this world who will be turned off by this boldness.
And, it makes me wonder if that is what Tebow was wanting...all of this publicity from the Christian community? Is that what he was after...and if so, then he needs to quit. However, I'm not sure...I want to hear an interview of him telling his fans, "Thank you, but please, this is me praising our Lord. I don't want all of this advertisement." ...and maybe he has, I don't watch sports stuff!!! Although, I'm sure the team management are all loving this advertisement...or are they? I don't know, because I don't read the newspaper or internet or watch sports related anything!! I'm not a good judge of this really!
(...Ok, I just watched a little thing on Tebow...he seems to be a pretty cool guy who loves Jesus...so it's stinky what all of this advertising has done to his Christianity as viewed amongst the non-Christians...at least from what I've gathered from looking at my non-Christian friends status updates from last night. Sad what the wrong publicity can do.)
I'm sure it's his way of showing his love TO Christ, out loud. Which I think we all need to think about it...what good or bad are we doing? We need to evaluate this!
Just a lot of questions today and unknown unless we speak to Tebow...but this blog post today, is more of a thank you to all of those out there who do remain silent with words/motions/symbols/etc. that represent Christ, and a "YOU GO!" to those who do not get recognition for their witnessing. After all, what are you trying to win? people to love you? or people to love Christ?
In the Christian community, I sometimes feel that it is harder to choose to be silent than bold about your love for Christ.
But seriously, Jesus did a lot of things that He got criticized for by the Christians...REALLY makes you think doesn't it? He healed on the Sabbath, He ate dinner with a bunch of sinners, He hung out with prostitutes, He did a lot of things that in the eye of other Christians, was not considered good...and He was the Son of God. I want to be more like Jesus, not be what Christians expect of me!
I don't need anyone's approval or pat on my shoulder except for His!!
...one more thing. I have experienced first hand how hard this is. My husband and I both have learned over time that it is harder and you may get more criticism from Christians by being silent than you will by being bold.
Interesting to me, the other day, my husband was speaking with my uncle, my uncle (who is a pastor) told him, in the past that he has wondered about his faith. Funny, because I've know my husband for 15 years and never once wondered this.
But you see, my husband is silent about his love for Christ...but not really. What he is, is bold like Jesus by how he shows it. He is willing to step out on a limb, do something that Christians may not approve of, for knowing that he will gain the trust of someone in order to share his love for Christ with them. This, is bold, people!!! Don't get me wrong, he's not out there doing things that Christ would not approve of...but he's hanging out with those who Christians don't approve of...and he's willing to go hang out at the skate park, go hunting, go fishing, go skiing, go places that may not have the most reputable reputations in order to win a soul over to Christ...just as Jesus did. (Not partake of the same actions of those involved...but be with them! And now, that he has a family to take care of, I think he thinks a little more responsible of what he gets himself into...however, for Christ, I'm ok with whatever! I would not want to get in the way of him winning over someone's heart for Christ, that's for sure!)
This is the man who deserves recognition...however, he would never want that! for fear that those he is trying to reach would be "turned off" by that.
My husband is so wise. He's such a good man of our household. He is such an amazing man of God. I love him...and I've learned what it means to love like Christ by watching him. I am so blessed to know him, and even more blessed to be his wife...such a privilege! Another example to me, to know that God is in control, and to let Him be!
Pretty sweet!!
Class outside today..
9 years ago
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