How many times do I ignore my children? A LOT!! There are so many times that I find myself putting other things first...such as right now...I am trying to type this, fix my kiddos breakfast (yes, at 10:45 a.m.!) have Jessie take a shower, while needing to be cleaning the house!! I will do anything to try to procrastinate things...even ignoring my children so that I have a minute to myself. I feel like I have real issues. Do any other moms out there do this? or is it just me?
It's good to know that God doesn't ignore me. It's good to know that God isn't a father to me like I am a mother to my children.
I really need to work on this parenting stuff. It makes me think that there is something wrong w/ me.
I really don't want to be a parent who ignores their children. I don't want to be that mom that later on down the road wishes I loved them a little more or held them in my arms a little longer.
I always hear older moms tell me, "Enjoy them. They grow up so fast. Before you know it, they will be going off to college." While they are telling me this, all I can do is find myself wishing them to grow up so that I can have my own life back. Do the things that I want to do.
Ok, maybe I don't wish them to be going off to college right yet, but I do find myself being excited about the time that they are all 5 and older!! I think that is going to be an awesome time!! Gosh, I hope it is!!
Having 2, almost 3 year olds and a 6 year old is hard work...mainly the 2, almost 3 year olds!! That's where the hard work is! They are CRAZY!!!
Anyway, my prayer is that I am a mom with no regrets. That I do my best and be the mom God has intended me to be. After all, He did give me these sweet kiddos...He has entrusted them to me. What a privilege! I pray that I parent with that in mind!!
Class outside today..
9 years ago
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